Becoming a Producer

When you donate your Time, Talent, and/or Treasure to the show, you automatically become a producer of The Doers Of Things. Meaning it’s your contribution that helps make the show a possibility. However, those who share their Treasure receive special credits and mention.

Executive Producers are anyone who donates $50 of Treasure or more. They will be mentioned on each show they help produce. So, for example, say you donate $55. In the show that comes out after your donation is received, you’ll hear a *shout-out of your name, location, and contribution. You will also be listed in the show notes.

Associate Producers donate $49 and under and their *names, locations, and contributions will be listed in the show notes of the show that falls after their donation is received.

You can give as often as you like at whatever amount speaks to the value you get from listening and being part of something bigger than you. You can give an Associate Producer amount as low as $1 a month and it will mean something to me and the show. You can give an Executive Producer amount of $111 one time and never contribute again, and that will mean something to me and the show. Get creative with your donations (numerology, palindromes, birth date amounts, etc) and only give what you can afford.

Producers who share their Talent will receive mention as well, on the show and in the show notes, of their contribution. For example, if you fixed my car, I’d give a *shout-out to you and your shop (if applicable). Want ideas of Talent contributions that would be useful to TDOT and me as a value exchange? Click here.

*If you choose to remain anonymous and not mentioned on the show or in the show notes, let me know and I’ll keep your awesomeness a secret.